Zachary’s back from visiting his families in Boston! I had a bunch of things lined up for Zach to do when he came back. I love Halloween so I bought a really fun gingerbread house that we could decorate. It turned into a messy but fun project and Zach was very proud of his’ Halloween Monster House.’ Notice Zach eating the candy that was supposed to be used ON the house not IN his mouth!:-) Zach and I hung out on Thursday and Friday while dad was in the 100 degree heat in Arizona.
After Paul got home Saturday from playing the the Gay Softball World Series, we decided to take a nice walk down 24th Street. October is supposed to be the summer for San Francisco but it has been feeling like fall in New Engalnd. Very nice weather here, I just love it. It’s 70s during the day and very cool and crisp at night, I just love the weather here!! The best thing about it all is although it feels like fall I know it won’t be snowing or reach below zero soon! :-P

Above: Thanks Grams for the Patriots sweatshirt! I love it! - Love Zachary
Walking in our neighborhood we noticed many stores were already decked out in Halloween decorations. Check out some of the storefronts below.

It looks like Zach is going to go trick or treating as Batman for Halloween but there has been talk that he wants to go as a rat, a worker man or Superman. Who knows what it will be. My work is having a Halloween Party and a friend of ours is throwing a Halloween party as well so I am on a mad hunt for a costume. I think I know what I want to be…it has something to do with water.
1 comment:
He is so cute!!!
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