Above: Stephanie Jones (2009) from the Joan Crawford - The Best of Everything Website.
Public Notice regarding:
Stephanie D. Jones (aka "Curtis Nugent," "Beth Austin," "Amanda Farrow," "augustdane," "heavybreasted@yahoo.com" and "burlesquebaby2@yahoo.com) from the joancrawfordbest.com website of Weehawken, New Jersey);
Do not contact Neil Maciejewski any further online, whether through the Joan Crawford website (www.legendaryjoancrawford.com) or through the blog (www.thestreetsofsanfrancisco.blogspot.com) or through any other venue which includes emails, your blog, outside media outlets such as magazines, publishers, interviewers etc. This includes visiting the named websites above - the visits from Stephanie D. Jones to these websites; www.legendaryjoancrawford.com and www.thestreetsofsanfrancisco.blogspot.com are being tracked and recorded.
This is a public notice pursuant pertaining to a lawsuit filed in the State of New Jersey (the suit has to be filed in the state where the harasser lives) on April 29, 2008, by Neil Maciejewski regarding defamation of character.
Click below to read several pieces of evidence:
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