Public Notice regarding:
Stephanie D. Jones (aka "Curtis Nugent," "Beth Austin," "Amanda Farrow," "augustdane," "" and " from the website of Weehawken, New Jersey);
Do not contact Neil Maciejewski any further online, whether through the Joan Crawford website ( or through the blog ( or through any other venue which includes emails, your blog, outside media outlets such as magazines, publishers, interviewers etc. This includes visiting the named websites above - the visits from Stephanie D. Jones to these websites; and are being tracked and recorded.
This is a public notice pursuant pertaining to a lawsuit filed in the State of New Jersey (the suit has to be filed in the state where the harasser lives) on April 29, 2008, by Neil Maciejewski regarding defamation of character.
Below are several pieces of evidence:

Above: Are two emails from Stephanie admitting she had written the negative comments on Wikipedia and This was my attempt to try to make peace with this person.
Below are a variety of hateful posts from Stephanie Jones' blog. The most recent on being written today:

Below are comments that have come through to my blog from Stephanie Jones, there are several others, these are just an example. She picks on a four year old kid - shows what a loser she is.
-The boy (Zachary) looks a little retarded. Have you had him tested?
-On behalf of fat guys everywhere, thanks for being with your fat, balding boyfriend!
-Ew. With you for a role model, I feel sorry for your son.
-Pasty, overweight gay guys partying in Vegas…..How trendy!
-Just what Joan needs - another dumb poofy queen making inane comments.
-On behalf of fat guys everywhere, thanks for being with your fat, balding boyfriend!
-Ew. With you for a role model, I feel sorry for your son.
-Pasty, overweight gay guys partying in Vegas…..How trendy!
-Just what Joan needs - another dumb poofy queen making inane comments.
And her favorite adjective is "creepy?" Words fail me. She is so full of hate and jealousy that it's insane, she has no limits. None whatsoever! She just keeps on and on and on, relentlessly. For YEARS!
I prefer to remain anon, thanks.
Good for you Neil. It's about time someone puts that bitch in her place. She looks pretty crazy from that picture!
Wow...she's quite a psycho! I guess you really haven't made it until you have a stalker.
She violated your copyright at well by posting your personal photograph on her website.
Wow I am shocked at the response in such a little amount of time. I really didn't want to post anything about this woman on my site - never had before but my lawyer advised me to do this and then take it from there.
You raise a good point Patrick - that is a copyrighted photo YOU took and she has it on her site without permission - yet again another course of action against her.
Time will tell what will happen, but the lawyer in NJ was quite eager to get things rolling.
My questions are:
1) The one screenshot from her blog says she is lives in "New York City," but then the public notice is from a New Jersey state court (the state where harasser resides). Last time I checked a map, New York City was in the state of New York. Lame.
2) If she "lives" in New York City, shouldnt she have far better things to do with her time?
This stereotypical twink with apparently cheap sunglasses (sin the Pee wee hair- no matter what she says) believes she has some internal homophobia she needs to deal with herself. Self hating gays (men or women) are the worst and are the ones that slow our equal rights movement.
Good questions!
She lives in New Jersey. If I lived in New Jersey I would lie and say I lived in New York City too.
I agree with all your other comments.
Well, I wasn't going to comment on this but I personally know Stephanie. I was her roommate and let me tell you this woman has serious issues. She told me about you, your site, and this blog and tried to paint you out to be a monster. I have been following your blog all along and I am very inspired by it.
I am not going to go into my living situation with Stephanie, all I will say is that I am glad she is not living with me anymore.
What a hatefull cunt!
Might be time to contact a lawyer.
Nuts like this thrive on attention.
Right on Frank!
I did contact a lawyer - he's based out of New Jersey.
Yes, I do think one of the things is that she craves/lacks attention.
I was absolutely shocked reading what this Stephanie woman has been subjecting you to. I know you had mentioned her to me earlier but I had no idea this "creature", was waging such a vicious and totally disgusting attack on you, your friends, and family. I'm speechless by the filth and lies she has written in various places on the Internet and else where. Good for you taking action against her, it's definitely the right thing to do as you have been brutalized by this woman in a way you or any decent individual would never do to another person.
I was very, very saddened for you reading those horrible things and you were very brave posting them on the Blog but in a way they need to be seen to reveal what a hateful person this woman is. She calls herself a devoted "Joan", fan, well I can say with total certainty that Joan would have been disgusted by what Stephanie has written about you knowing as we know how Joan showed respect to everyone she encountered throughout her life!
I made a voodoo doll of this bitch. Sticking pins it it now. I can here her scream now. "OUCH!!!"
For someone who claims she is gay, she certainly likes to throw around the homophobic stereotypes. (sticks in another pin)
*Don't feed the trolls*. easier said than done, though. Gawd she looks terrible in that photo like an alcoholic! In response to her former roommate,she disgusted and wore out no less than three of you and still faild to see the connection to her own miserable self!!!!!!!!!!! As somebody said on her blog, she will be buried without ever having been loved how true!
she's a sick fu-k that's for sure
Oh she crossed the line - she starts bashing me and she don't even know me!!! I know some huge dykes in ghetto NJ. Bring it on!
There are a few things that speak volumes about this feud:
1. Neil's blog has never posted anything negative about Ms. Jones. Ever. Ms. Jones blog is riddled with negative comments about Neil and many other people.
2. I looked at both of their websites and noticed Neil has a link to Ms. Jones website on his links page (if it were me I wouldn't give her that courtesy) but on Ms. Jones site, she has no link to Neil's Joan site. This speaks volumes!
3. Lastly, it's very obvious to see what Neil's intentions are with all that he has done through his Joan Crawford website. He has, in a short time, made a name for himself in the Joan Crawford world and I respect his intentions. It’s really quite honorable. I don’t see those intentions form Ms. Jones.
Bottom line. It’s plain to see that Ms. Jones is jealous of Neil's success in the Joan world and that his website has far exceed hers. She needs to start acting her age. Proudly NOT anonymous.
Neil, what are YOUR contributions to this feud? You are not an innocent victim. This silly feud has been ongoing for years and you have done your fair share to fan the flames. A lot of this drama is your own creation, so cry me a bucket of tears.
Mike - I am one of the many people in the "Joan Crawford Web World. I know at least ten other people, other than Neil and me, that have been attacked verbally through emails and other venues by Stephanie Jones. She has serious mental issues. Seriously, I know ten or more people that have suffered her wrath, I am sure there are countless more.
You HAVE to be kidding me. You know all to well about her ways; I have several emails from you saying some pretty nasty stuff about her and the feuds she started with you. The thing is - YOU love feeding into her drama, you thrive on it. I have tried to make peace with Steph many times. It's past that point now.
I am not crying "poor mes" at all - she crossed the line and now she is going to pay for it. NONE of this is my own creation - that's absolutely absurd to say. Please don't feed into her sickness.
I think she needs to find Jesus. Yes, she needs to find Jesus so he can kick her fat, jealous and homophobic ass all the way to HELL where the only people who look at her website reside. It's hell trying to look at her god-aweful sight with it's early 90s Geocities template design. She's totally fucked in the brain. Not much you can do for these kinds of people but try to get them committed to a state funded mental institution where she can get the help she so desperately needs.
Such a darling kid, and looking so happy and bright, too! Thanks for sharing so much happiness and so many wonderful photos on a constant basis! Puts me in such a great mood!! :D As for the webmistress of the so-called "Best of Everything" implying Zach is "retarded" and calling your BF "fat and bald" and you, Neil, "a whiny queen" and much more - I get the distinct sense of feeling sick to my stomach from this "worst of everything" person and the sheer abundance of petty venom this individual spews out on a regular basis. She's a failed lesbian, soooo transparent - has had no [serious] relationships according to her own blog. (No wonder!) Her looks are unhealthily bloated. She
constitutes the very essence of the word "loser," and she's psychotically jealous of your personal happiness as well as your being successful by being featured on the commentaries on the latest Crawford DVD releases, and by your having so many true friends. Her jealousy consumes her from within. Good god, what a pathetic excuse of a woman - her hate is like acid, burning herself up from the inside in the long run. Karma, you know. You, on the other hand, are such a great guy, Neil! She already pays for her sorry attitude by continuing to be miserable herself. Rest assured, she'll never change, and she'll continue to be miserable until the day she dies. She chose it herself. What a loser! O_o You have a wonderful day, dear Neil! You SO deserve all the happiness and success that's constantly coming your way!! The sweetest kind of "revenge" imaginable! :p
I have her parents email addresses if you want them. I am sure they would love to see THIS post! Heck, she acts like a 12 year old why not treat her like one!
No no. Don't email her parents. I'm sure they've been through hell the past 50 years with this thing they spawned. They've been through enough.
Ha! No intentions of contacting her or anyone related to her. Funny post though!
I saw the link on IMDB; I am shocked over this post. I have to say I will never go to her site again. I had no idea she was this cruel. Her jealously consumes her, it's so transparent. Sad.
Um. I think I work with her. I work at Debevoise & Plimpton in NYC.
She actually works? Where does she find the time to do all this nasty stalking? I suppose she does it on company time. What a bitch!
no straight homophobe has ever exasperated as much as this self-professed lesbian. I'm literally sickened by her hateful homophobic comments against you, your boyfriend and your friends. She is a total disgrace to humanity. To top it off she admitted she wrote those things. What a despicable human being.
I find her blog dreary, smug, self-satisfied, a substitute for the attention and love she doesn't get in real life. Apparently she stays up all night chugging beer and churning out her drivel.
WHAT THE HELL IS HER PROBLEM?! This women lives in NYC I live in the middle of nowhere - one would think she has ten million more things to do than bash you who lives on the other coast...
I did a Google search on Joan Crawford and I ended up on this post. What a basket case this woman is - I refuse to go to her Website and will make sure I spread the word!
Well, Neil, let's put it this way - I wouldn't suck her goddamn cunt if I were suffocating and there were oxygen in her ovaries!!
I was searching for a Stephanie Jones that I knew in my teen years and I figured the name was too common. I wanted to find out what happened to her. Well, this is her. Email me and I will tell you some stories about this lunatic...
It's kind of sad that 'Heavy Breasted' is Stephanie, talking to herself in her own Yahoo group.
But I want to say that I love the scans on your site, and I think it looks beautiful.
What a shitty, little cunt she is - twister of the truth, abusing the proper sequence of when things actually happened(you only need to look at her blog) -you name it. And I am ever soslightly revolted by the way she looks now - and she is actually proud of her appearance??? I guess she must be, why would she otherwise post such revealing and umbecoming photos of herself? That *gal* - who is in desperate need of growing some bona fide balls on her unwanted body - so that she at least has Something to shove up her cunt - hopefully providing her of some kind of climax - so she wouldn't be so needy and pathetically in heat as a bitch. Oh my, what a doggone DOG she is! *smiles*
Julie L.
What a pitiful, pitiful loser. But I don't feel sorry for her at all. When one is evil, sooner or later it will backfire...
(copied and pasted from the lesbian's blog) --- ooops - I mean the self-proclaimed bisexual's[SO much more honorable] blog -a reply to her musings:
"That's the thing about TRYING...You may not get what you're wishing for, but in the meantime it's fun to fantasize about! (And at the end, you can say you tried.)"
Yeah, right - Stephanie Jones, you do that. Keep your hopes of success and Love tightly within the realms of your imagination, where they belong. Your subconscious self already knows that that is the best you can do. So dream on, babe - Lesbian love can be so cool, yeah right. But not for you. lol
-Julie L.
Neil (deep sigh) - this woman is pathetic beyond belief. What with the latest stat count hysteria? Her very last "Ace????" Good God, she's been keeping detailed track of your and her's hits all this time - I mean, down to the very last digit, allegedly?? Sickening only BEGINS to describe her, she is in a MUCH worse state than I feared. And she has been upping her hits by her own finger, all this time... She has SOLELY herself to blame for her evil and sordid ways! She is consumed by a fire of 'Revenge,' Hate and self-chosen Misery. Naturally this is bound to backfire, obviously - and quite literally, too. Don't you worry about a thing, Neil, you have given her every chance to come clean. But she just doesn't WANT TO, she WANTS strife - so she keeps on and on and on. Sadly, for her, she does not realize that you have great resources among your REAL friends, while she only has fakes and phoneys to support her - to the extent they do, that is. What a sorry creature; I repeat, she has ONLY herself to blame for her misery. And I would not feel sorry for her if she's scheduled to rot in hell forevermore!
-Julie L.
Words fail me once again - how this thoroughly shitty, phoney fake is able to conjure up this kind of petty crap on a regular basis, like clockwork - vomit alert!! She is such The phoney - trying to conjure up this nauseau-inducing s*it in a desperately pathetic attempt to give the impression she is Florence Nightingale - why, rest in hell if you please, missy! And soon. (RIH) And that is much kinder advice than you ever deserve. You are, and will always be, this sordid and petty excuse of a lesbian - intruding on the memory of the glorious and glamorous Joan Crawford(she is not around anymore - so she cannot distance herself from your venomous self) - point in fact SJ is corrupting the legend's aftermath - by being such an unlikely and evil nutcase - associated with Joan's name - by implication(Beth Austin - Amanda Farrow, and what have you not?) - with her own INSANITY! Thank God, Neil -that you and Casey are not letting her get away with this!
-Julie L.
Dear Neil,
I just read the latest *news* - and I must say that Casey revealed himself as a class act when replying to that poorly-disguised hostility in that letter to him from a certain somebody who shall remain anonymous(lol). Casey's response was silky but firm, befitting Joan's legacy.
You have absolutely nothing to worry about - the both of you, Neil and Casey.
Julie L.
I searched for "Stephanie Jones Best of Everything Website" and this blog entry was the first thing that came up in Google and Yahoo searches. I am grateful it did - I refuse to be a part of anything this person does based on your comments and facts on your blog posting. My thoughts are with you and your family and I am praying she is still not harassing you and your precious family.
Her police record says she sexually abused a 12 year old girl...
What a godda*n CU*T!!! Such hypocrisy - I almost threw up! After all the pedophilia crap she's been pulling on me. In public! SOO many times! Well. It all makes sense now.
FU*K the day she successfully hounded me to give her my e-mail address and hence, later, my postal address! It seems her past is finally catching up with her - about time!! You rest safely in hell, miss SJ! Rest assuredly so.
-Julie L.
Dear Neil, I'm at loss for words - regarding 'that lesbian'!
I mean, first she attempts to brand you as this "unfit parent" to Zach because you chose to participate in a drag queen contest just for fun. She continues to insult you as being 'sexless' a la Ryan Seacrest(!) - then goes on and on as being our 'superior' - self-proclaiming herself as a *bisexual* ---. Mind you, this comes after she said on her blog that some gays(=you) NEEDS to be gay-bashed!! (gasp!) She then continues to paint this p[r]etty picture of herself as a victim of being looked down upon as a gay woman - this BLATANT hypocrisy - not to mention she has stated on her blog that she considers herself as one who believes in God!! *vomit alert* To top it all off she recently posted fake suicide threats in a desperate attempt to gain sympathy from her very meager readership - all the while that she KNOWS that she has ridiculed my very real suicide attempt on Live Journal on a community with thousands of members two years ago. Now she has *wisely* made her blog available *by invitation only* - AFTER she herself stated that she has no friends - go figure! AND she pathetically tries to steal your thunder from your way superior website, Neil, by posting old news via this very recently created link - - To top it all off she whines and complains that she has suffered such a rough and tragic life solely since she is gay(!!} I DO HOPE SHE WILL REST IN PEACE, AND VERY SOON, ACCORDING TO HER WISHES. I continue to wish the best for you, Neil - as someone who decided that Love pays more back than Hate and petty Jealousy...
Julie L.
To *JJ* - in response to your comments to Neil's recent interview -
So just because someone's got a neat Joan website automatically makes them a nice person??? I don't think so. Copied and pasted from a comment to SJ's blog: Please STOP assuming the victim role. It does NOT suit you, you bitter, petty and evil shrew! You brought all of this upon yourself, you have SOLELY yourself to blame. You live in the proximity of The Hudson River - go fulfill your destiny the sooner the better, and this is kind and excellent advice, mind you! You have already been flirting with the idea, and I support it without reservation.
Incredible, when will she ever let up?!! Not 'till she rests in her grave, I fear - ready to meet her maker. Funny, I don't think that would be God or the likes.
Back in Texas in time for Xmas you go, Stephanie Jones. You wound up with not a single friend in The Big Apple, and no permanent job either. Wonder why? LOLZ! And considering your relentless, stop-at-nothing, mean-as-hell attitude, I'm afraid you had it coming, you fat, alcoholic, middle-aged, wannabe lipstick lesbian! Perhaps Townes still remembers you -
Oh, Christ - Dyke!!
You MUST know deep inside why people want to keep their distance to you. You LOVE to paint a petty picture of yourself as the Victim incarnate. In other words, you are impossible to be trusted, let alone be loved by ANY sane person. You are harvesting the *fruits* of a really bad, self-inflicted karma. You cannot expect to be loved by ANYONE as long as you you continue to ELECT to carry this S-H-I-T!! This is much better advise than you ever deserved, mind you. NYC rejected you - deal with it, OR find peace in the Hudson River! Either way, I couldn't care less about the outcome!
Oh, Christ - Dyke!!
You MUST know deep inside why people want to keep their distance to you. You LOVE to paint a petty picture of yourself as the Victim incarnate. In other words, you are impossible to be trusted, let alone be loved by ANY sane person. You are harvesting the *fruits* of a really bad, self-inflicted karma. You cannot expect to be loved by ANYONE as long as you you continue to ELECT to carry this S-H-I-T!! This is much better advise than you ever deserved, mind you. NYC rejected you - deal with it, OR find peace in the Hudson River! Either way, I couldn't care less about the outcome!
S*ittty bejezuused as*hole - this really made my day - fu*king on the floor tampering hysterically with my slightly-soiled cunt right now!! ;p Count your blessings, darlin' - they are about to be all used up. Texas Carnival for Stinking, poorly maintained cunts - here's to you! Y¨ Pussy Galore? No thanks! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! =D
You g-o-d-d-a-m-n kunt!!!
I remember all too well the multiple personalities s-h-i-t you pulled on Brian's now defunct board. You were "Curious George," "Dawn(most true to your real schizo personality)," "Nikki" et al. Including "August Dane." The IP numbers revealed that these *persons* without a doubt posted from the same computer. How bizarrely evil that you - as a failed lesbian - humiliated an under-aged gay boy, Jon D. - still not out of the closet. You were insane with jealousy that I tried to help him the best I could. And being an innocent, easily manipulated boy, you managed to convince him that I was the big bad wolf incarnate. Oh, before I forget -congrats with one additional final month in the proximity of NYC! Merry Xmas!
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