Softball season is in full swing! Paul and I both play in the same league for the same sponsor, The Pups! Paul is in the C division and I play in the D division in gay softball. When I met Paul he introduced me to softball, Paul has been playing baseball/softball all his life, pretty much, and when I met him I never even knew how to catch a ball let alone play softball. Paul is a very good ball player and a great teacher!:-)

Look at the frustration on my face!

Earlier this month I told Paul that I am happy with how I play and I know that I don’t have the strength to actually hit a home run and that I will never hit one - I didn't say this in a poor me kind of way but in a more factual way. Paul and I have been gearing up for our Mexico trip next month and both want to get in tip-top shape for it. So we have been working out together at the gym, pushing each other to get in better shape and also learn from each other. We did this really great exercise that works the core of your body and the core of your body is really what you should use when you hit a ball.
So this brings me back to what this post is about. I hit my first home run!!! So even when you think you can't do something or someone tells you you'll never do this or even when you don't think you have it in you to do something...someday..somewhere it can happen and you will say to yourself, "Wow, I really did it, I did something I didn't think I could do." When you say and do that - challenge yourself to the next thing, and the next thing....cause that's what this life is all about, a series of challenges, whether it be taking your first steps or hitting a home run or just surviving day-to-day, challenges are what make us grow. Challenge yourself!
Congratulations on the home run!
Thanks Patrick!
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