Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Happy Anniversary!

Above: A blast from the past, Paul and Zach 2006.

Hard to believe that I have been with Paul, and part of Zach's life, for 4 years now! Wow, time sure does fly. Here's a little trip down memory lane over the past four years with these two wonderful guys! I love both of you very much and look forward to many many more years of a wonderful life with both of you!


Anonymous said...

Congradulations you guys!

Mark D. Snyder said...

so cute!

Are you guys members of Our Family Coalition? I work there and highly recommend you join us. We have lots of events for LGBTQ families. :)

Mark D. Snyder said...

Check out Our Family Coalition -

I just moved to SF from Boston too! Now I work for Our Family Coalition. We have lots of great events for LGBTQ families :)