Above: Zach at school talking about his
Star Wars book at show and tell.
Zachary recently went on a small field trip with his school to the amazing Golden Gate Park. His teacher brought the students to see a variety of sculptures that are featured at the park. His teacher, Ryan, asked the children what they saw when they looked at the statues/sculptures, below are the sculptures and Zach's responses.

Above: Zach said this about the above photo, "I think mice, chipmunks and rats live in there."

Above: Zach said this about the above photo, "There's a window inside and a wall to punch."

Above: Zach said this about the above photo, "There's a torch...he's a pirate...telling people there's a party!"

Above: Zach said this about the above photos, "A water fountain with water on the bottom...it froze up."

Above: Zach said this about the above photo, " Clock statue."

Above: Zach said this about the above photo, "It's a macaroni tower!"

Above: Zach said this about the above photo, "It's knights and a bald guy."
A macaroni tower! - Priceless :)
He didn't acknowledge the naked guy statue as being naked, so he's most definately straight! But then again, he associated the naked guy with a party, so who knows. :o)
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