Happy Birthday to the most successful female musical artist E-V-E-R! Madonna has achieved an unbelievable feat to stay relevant in the music business for the past 25 years. Earlier this year she scored her seventh number on album and charted on the singles chart with her 47th Top 40 hit and her 37th top ten hit. A record for any female artist. She has changed her look more than any other female in history (tied with Joan Crawford) and she is a style icon. I am going to see her in concert for the umpteenth time this November and I cannot wait. Below are my top ten favorites Madonna looks over the past 25 years.
Madonna Look #10:

Madonna Look #9:

Madonna Look #8:

1983: The year that put Madonna on the map. She was fresh, hip and set the fashion world on fire. I loved her raw look and the photo above is so amazing - you could already she she was going to be a fashion icon.
Madonna Look #7:

1995: Above was a campaign Madonna did for Versace and at that point it was Madonna's classiest look of her career. She looked so fresh and showed that she could rock a gown better than anyone.
Madonna Look #6:

1985: The look that made millions of girls want to be her. The boy toy, trashy sex kitten with the over accessorized outfits and lots of lace, this was the peak of Madonna's fame and the Like a Virgin craze was full-force. This look was featured on the cover of her sophomore album "Like a Virgin" which would go on to be one of the most successful songs of the 1980s.
Madonna Look #5:

1987: Madonna took a chance and died her hair platinum blond - it was a risk but she pulled it off so well she was honored with being compared to Marilyn Monroe. The look fit her face perfectly and accentuated her large blue eyes. Not only was the hair color drastic but also the cut was very short showing how versatile Madonna's looks would become and proving she could wear any hairstyle and pull it off.

1998: Madonna embarked on a huge comeback the year she turned 40, she had just given birth to her first born child, Lourdes and she released her best album in years, "Ray of Light." Her look was very whimsical and hippie-chic. She was glowing! She went on to win four Grammy Awards that year for the "Ray of Light" album.
Madonna Look #4:

Madonna Look #3:

2003: Madonna released her 9th studio album called American Life, she looked better than ever and the songs were some of the best she had written since "Like a Prayer," but the album tanked. The military themed album came out right when the war started and put a bad taste in the public eye. The album is one of the most underrated albums at least her look was a huge hit! The chocolate brown hair and the long flat layers suit her face best.

Madonna Look #2:

1990: Now we're talking! Madonna pays tribute to the silver screen divas and includes herself in the mix showing that she could pull of the 1920s-1930s deco style with the best of them. Her homage to old Hollywood was featured in one of her biggest hits, "Vogue." The song mentions greats like, Harlow, Garbo, Davis and Hepburn...old Hollywood fans were in an uproar that she left out the diva she emulates the most...Joan Crawford! Tsk Tsk Madonna. I forgave her after she paid tribute to Crawford in the 1998 video "The Power of Goodbye."
Madonna Look #1:

1989: Was and still is my favorite Madonna year. She released her best album, "Like a Prayer" which spanned several hits and she incorporated both her brunette and blond looks back to back. Her "Like a Prayer" video is one of the most controversial and groundbreaking videos ever. At the time, her "Express Yourself" video was the most expensive music video ever filmed costing $5 million dollars. Madonna also embarked on the historical Blonde Ambition Tour and closed out the 1980s confirming she was THE artist of the decade.
We could all learn a thing or two or three from Lady Madonna! I am half her age and wouldn't be able to keep up with her.
I like look number 8
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