It’s funny the older you get the more people you meet and get close to and really connect with. It’s been almost two years living in San Francisco and I have made some friends that are truly amazing, inspirational, talented and downright fun people on top of all the people I already know and who have touched my life in such a positive way. One of the many friends that I have made in San Francisco that I made a connection with was a co-worker. When I started at my job out in CA in 2007, I instantly connected with this fun, fashion-forward, trendy, cute girl named Maggy. We just clicked and became really great friends over the time we worked together. We both loved to take off from work on out lunch breaks and go shipping for clothes and other fun stuff. We also loved finding new places to eat and explore and we were also motivation for each other when we were too lazy to go to the gym - we would push one another to go and we became gym buddies.

Blue Mercury! The free sample goodie bags rock!
Sadly, my friend Mags is moving to New York next week, but I am so excited for her! She is starting another chapter in her life, she just entered her 30’s, she recently got married and I know that she is going to have some of the best years of her life and I am so so SO excited for her journey and adventures in NYC! I will miss you dearly, we will still chat a ton and now I have even more of a reason to come visit NY.
Mags – I am truly going to miss our laughs, our rides to work, our serious talks, our fun shopping sprees and just your genuine friendship!
I miss you already!
Just remember the wise words of Jerri Blank, some people like the pole AND the hole! :-P
Love ya!
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