My New Year's resolution this year is not going to be to get in awesome shape, eat better, drink less or to floss more. I never seem to keep those New Year's resolutions, maybe because I don't take them too seriously. This year I am going to take my New Year's resolution pretty seriously because I feel like I have something not only to prove to myself, but also to share with many people. I am writing my life story and my goal is to have it completed this year and have it in a place to shop around to publishers by the end of 2009. I realized that I have an interesting story to tell, actually it's quite amazing. I recently have told some people a small portion of my story and people seem genuinely inspired by it... I am inspired by it. When I talk about some of the things I have been through, where I have come from and where I am, I can hardly believe it's me - my life.
So, I am taking a break from doing a lot of things to focus on what will be literally another chapter in my life. As I am writing my book this year, I am going to post about how it's going with the writing process and talk about some portions of what I am writing about. You won’t get the full story - just bits and pieces to keep you interested and guessing until the book comes out:-)
I have already started writing my book and the picture that introduces this post above is of a bus station in Springfield, Massachusetts that I ended up at in November 2000 at the age of 26 years old. When Paul and I drove by that bus stop recently while I was in Western Massachusetts, I felt a lump in my throat and felt my eyes start to water as I took that picture. That bus stop was a huge turning point in my life. I was at that bus stop on a cold November night with nothing but a wad of money in my pocket and the clothes on my back. I hopped aboard a bus, headed to Boston and never looked back. That bus ride would change my life in so many ways, but it would be a long journey for me once I arrived in Boston. A journey that would be the most challenging thing I would ever have to go through...