Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Rainy School Days
It has been VERY rainy here in San Francisco - I mean DOWN POURS! I am still up in the air to whether or not I prefer the rain or the snow...I guess the rain but everything is so damn wet!! Poor Zachary and his schoolmates have been trapped inside at school for a while now not really able to play outside in the wet weather. Here are some great pictures of Zach and his classmates enjoying playing inside at school.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Double-Booked Holiday Party!

Henna artist to get creative on their body.
To see more pictures from the party go to my Facebook profile at the link below (note you must have a profile on Facebook and be bookmarked as a "friend" of mine to view the photos.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Project Runway Predictions

Well, it’s down to the final six on my favorite reality television show, Project Runaway. I am pleased with most of the six contestants that are left, the season has been somewhat boring but I still enjoy the show. Below are my predictions for he next six contestants!!!
Ok, this guy is pathetic! I know I picked him as one of my favorites after watching the first episode but he is my least favorite now. The pint size Ricky has cried on EVERY single episode – what gives? Not only does he cry at the drop of a hat (the hats he wears are brutal by the way) but also everything he has designed is garbage, he does not deserve to be in the final six. I am predicting (and praying) he is voted off next week. There’s no crying in fashion designing!!!
Chris has been really lucky on the show, he was voted off earlier but was brought back when one contestant fell ill and had to leave. I like Chris – I think he is funny, has great ideas, loves the old Hollywood divas AND he lives in San Francisco!!! He even gave a shout out to Joan Crawford on the show. I do think he will come up short from making the top 4. He seems to fall into mimicking showboat fashions from the past and he seems to be walking on thin ice with the judges. Love ya Chris!
I never would have thought Sweet P would have made it as far as she has. She was one of the ones that I had slated to go home much earlier but she has grown on the judges and on me. Her fashion styles start off terrible and she somehow manages to whip them into an amazing garment after Tim Gunn criticizes her garment. She’s smart by taking his advice, which most designers have not done in the past. I am predicting Sweet P will make it to the Top 4.
Jillian by far has been the most talented female designer of the bunch this year. I love her sense of style and her approach to her designs. The one thing that will kill her is she over extends herself, she barley finishes her outfits because she is putting herself through so many challenging designs, sometimes it works BUT she is starting to crack and I think that will keep her from winning BUT she should be a shoe in for the top three and showcasing her collection at Bryant park for the finale.
I have to admit even though Rami is controlling, thickheaded and doesn’t take constructive criticism well, I like him. I really think he will have a career after the show. He is a seasoned desinger and has the talent to make some really classic and innovative designs. He has the confidence to pull of an amazing collection which we will all get to see when he is at Bryant Park for he finale. He could pull the rug out from under Christian.

#1 The Bitch – Christian
Ok, this bitch really got on my nerves at the beginning of the show and he still does BUT he is funny as shit and he is by far the most talented designer on the show. Christian has the most creativity and fashion forward thinking of the bunch and I believe he will win. the only thing that could fuck him up is his age and his immaturity, he's only 21 and very cocky it could bite him in the ass. I am looking forward to seeing his collection go down the runway at Bryant Park. I am sure it won’t be a big Tranny mess!!
Carry on!
Monday, January 21, 2008
Someone Pull the Horseshoe out of my....
.....:-). My winning streak continues...Paul and I went to Vegas over the long MLK weekend. Paul's softball team, The Pups C, had a tournament in Vegas so I tagged along. Out friends Will and Ryan also came with us and we all stayed at the "Rio." I think this is like the eighth time Paul and I have been to Vegas and I never really gambled much because I was not confident in my skills, I dabbled on the craps tables and made some money- lost some money in the past but that has pretty much been it. This weekend was different. I have been itching to play blackjack but I was always a bit intimidated to play.

Our order was wrong, food was cold and the chicken wings were still clucking.
Will, Ryan and I casino hopped while Paul played softball on Saturday for a good six hours - I am not sure how he did it. So us boys went to a couple "low-end" casinos to play cheap tables and cheap slots. All of us did pretty well and didn’t really lose much money on Saturday. It was a blast tramping through the casinos and playing the different games. I taught Will and Ryan how to play craps and I think I turned Will into a young "Jedi" craps player :-) Later that night we all headed to this really cool club called Piranha and enjoyed the music and danced for hours.
Sunday was our last full day in Vegas so we decided after Paul was done playing a few more games of softball we would head over to the host hotel where most of the other softball players were staying. The place was called the Tuscany and it was off of the Vegas strip. We watched the Pats graduate to the Superbowl once again!! Will, Ryan and I met up with our friend Joe, Mark and hopefully a future Pups player, Kent after the Pats game. We all sat down at a blackjack table for a few hours. Most everyone left the table with a bit more than they started but I walked away with a whopping $800!!! So after cleaning house at the blackjack table I thought let's try roulette, I had played a bit the previous day and did well. So Will, Ryan and I decided to go a few tables over at the Tuscany and play Roulette. We all ended up winning at that table; I left with making $260.00 at Roulette! So now I was up past the $1,000.00 mark and was feeling the luck! So I decided to cap it off with playing craps - by this time the small casino pit bosses were giving me the evil eye and I was waiting to be escorted out of the casino. Craps was a blast and I walked away from the table winning $200.00. So my total winnings at the Tuscany were over $1,200! I was celebrating and all the other gay boys at the casino were witness of my uncanny luck.
We are planning on hading back to Vegas in March for March Madness...hopefully the horseshoe stays put!:-)
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Get Well Zebra!
Zach has been home sick with Carrie the past few days. All of Zach's Star Wars guys, stuffed animals and Paul and I miss him and hope he gets well soon so we can all see him!!!:-)
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
More Holiday Photos!
Monday, January 14, 2008
First Day on the Job!

with his sexy new shirt and a trendy leather bag "Santa" bought.
A HUGE congrats to Paul for landing a really sweet job. I am not going to post on here where he is working (too many crazy people on the net and a loon from Weehawken) but those of you that know Paul and are close to us know where he is working. The job is a big step up and he's in a really trendy building. Hope your first day was great!! Here's to a great future!:-)
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Friday, January 11, 2008
The year of Joan

Most everyone that knows me knows that I am a Joan Crawford fanatic. Well, now the world can see it in black and white! I was recently featured in the 2008 spring issue of Out Traveler magazine on my Joan Crawford collection and my popular Joan Crawford Website! It's kind of funny how many people that I know have seen the article without even telling them about it. I never though a little article would generate so many emails but I have already received so many emails and compliments it's a bit overwhelming.
Next month I will also be featured on several Joan Crawford DVD releases. I will be speaking on in mini documentaries about Joan in the special features section of the DVDs, so I can only image the buzz the site will receive from that as well.
My book is still chugging along - it's a lot of work, headaches and waiting and I am being patient. I am glad it has taken this long because it has helped me acquire more content to make the book even better. If all goes well the book will be released at the end of this year!
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