The 2008 American Music Awards was filled with several performances from the biggest pop stars of this past year. Some of them fell flat, some soared and others were just all right. I won’t list all of the 19 performers that were on the show but just highlight the highs and lows.
(The best performance of the night - Annie Lennox is amazing!!!)
Many of the young performers should learn from the living legends that have been performing on stage for years. Annie Lennox was given the Award of Merit for her amazing career of over 25 years. Annie sang one of my all time favorite songs called “Why.” She showed up everyone on the stage and sang the hell out of the song. It truly was a bone chilling performance of a classic song.
Beyonce never stops amazing me with her amazing dance performances on stage. Her new song Single Ladies will be the number one song on the Billboard charts this coming week. The song is a great dance song and terribly catchy but what is even more amazing is the music video she made The dancing in the video is awesome and she showed of those moves live on stage and sang. I loved every minute of it.
Ne-Yo was by far the best male performer on stage showing an old school classy rendition of his hits “Miss Independent” and “Closer.” I was truly impressed by his vocals, dancing and overall classy expression of his songs.
Alicia keys can do no wrong in my eyes. Her voice, talent and charisma just mesmerize me and she really appears so humble and not driven by wining awards or how many number ones she has like another female performer (Mariah Carey). Alicia sang her hit “Superwoman” and flashed images of powerful women in he limelight today focusing on Michelle Obama at the end. It was a very inspirational performance.
Christina Aguilera opened the show with a trip down memory lane showcasing her hits over the past 10 years in the music biz. She started off the medley with her hit Beautiful that was amazing but then she fell flat and appeared out of breath as she went into to her other hits over the years.
As much as Rihanna is my new favorite artist of the past couple years, she hit a flat note with me on her performance of her latest single, “Rehab.” I love he song and how she showed off her vocal range but the outfit was a bit much. Too much focus on the visuals – it was too over the top.
Pink is having an amazing year with her first solo number one hit “So What” and what is looking to be her biggest selling album to date. Her voice was amazing in her latest single “Sober” but overall the song fell flat and she really appeared uncomfortable on stage. I do have to say she redeemed herself singing with Sarah McLaughlin later in the show.
The lowest of low had to be Mariah Carey. She told the American Music Awards that if she were not given an award she would not perform on the show. I would have said ok, goodbye and hung up the phone, but the AMA’s felt the need to have her on the show singing a song that no one has ever heard about a whale farting. So they made up an honorary statue thingy for Mariah so she could perform. She had the stage presence of a wet fart! WEAK!
One of the many reasons why The Pussycat Dolls will never be taken seriously is because they always showcase themselves as cheap, tacky strippers and they didn’t disappoint that reputation. Put came the stripper poles and the trashy dancing. Terrible.
The more music award shows there are the more we have to listen to the ego-filled, whinny, righteous voice of Kanye West. Kanye here’s a little tip, shut your big fat mouth it really turns your fans off from buying your music. I love most of your music but I am at the point where I can’t stand you as an artist and your ego is overshadowing your music. SHUT UP already!
You have to see Annie Lennox in concert Neil. She is amazing.
When are u guys flying east for the holidays.
I have to see her in concert - I have liked her since she first came out in the early 80s.
We will be in Boston from Dec 17th until the 29th! See you then!
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