It was a fun weekend with Zeebs! Paul and I both have been wanting to see the new Indiana Jones movie so we took Zach and went to go see it ( Zach saw it on opening weekend with his mom). The movie was okay, entertaining for kids but starts off slow. Zach was pretty bored with the beginning ( Zach did already see the film) but once the action started he was glued to the screen. Zach is pretty obsessed with Indiana Jones right now. He has all sorts of toys related to the movies and he loves Raiders of the Lost Ark. It's great for all of us because Paul and I both enjoy the Indiana films.
So to get some of Zach's Indy adventure out of his system I helped make a fort with him in the living room. When I was a kid I used to love to make forts out of blankets sheets, curtains - you name it. Several times my mom would come home and all the curtains would be off the wall, the beds would be bare and the living room was turned into a huge fabric fort! Zach got a kick out of the fort and it was up all day. He had his own fun Indy adventure with his stuffed animals and his Star Wars guys.

Later that night, I wanted to make a cake. Zach helped and after it was done he whispered to me, " Can we pretend it's my birthday and put candles on the cake and I can blow them out?" How could I refuse that cute as hell request!? So Paul and I got the candles and celebrated Zach's 4 1/2 birthday a month early. It was a blast:-)

He looks just like Paul the older he gets!
F cute! I particularly love the detail of the "half" candle. :o)
Happy 4 & 1/2 Zach !
Thanks Patrick and Frank. Yea I was all over the "half candle" thing:-) He's getting so big and yes, he looks like Paul but I think he looks like him mom too. I feel he has Carrie's eyes and wavy hair, Pauls nose and smile AND MY hair color:-) How did that happen!?!?
He oddly looks a lot like my brother when he was little, but if he stays that way that dirty blonde hair will disappear soon unfortunately! I loved the birthday and fort pictures. No matter who he looks like he's so adorable... Tell him I miss him!
Agreed, it doesn't get much cuter than Zeebs. I will tell him for sure that you miss him:-)
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