Friday, November 16, 2007


Above: (left to right - Back row) Mike, proud papa Andrew, Karen, Ruthie
(front row) Tori, proud mom Ashley and baby Jake

James Michael "Jake" Sarsfield was born on November 11, 2007 - 5lb 5oz (4 weeks early)! Jake is Paul's great nephew. Paul is a great uncle...but he insists he was ALWAYS a "great" uncle. This is Paul's nephew Andrew and his girlfriend, Ashley's, first child. 5lb 5oz (4 weeks early) Little Jake also makes a lot of other firsts for people. Ruthie is a great grandmother - Karen is a first time grandmother, Mike is a first time grandpa, Matthew is an uncle and Tori is an aunt! Congratulations! to all!!!

Above: Paul has the same exact outfit!

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