My first day of work was great! It's an easy drive from Noe Valley to Sausalito. It's pretty much a straight shot to the Golden gate Bridge and then the first exit after the bridge and BAM, I am at work. The first week at work has been great, people are very friendly and the vibe here is great. Check out this picture below that is the view from the office. SICK! I am already being thrown into the New Business madness. I am working on two pitches this month. Let's hope the lucky streak I had at Arnold carries over here. Another eerie sign from above that I am in the right place was watching the agency video. All new employees have to watch this video that shows creative work and what the agency stands for. I popped in the video and the song "We're Going to be Friends" by the White Stripes started to play, the same song that was in my going away photo presentation! I was floored, what a weird coincidence. It made me smile and think about all my friends back in Boston hat I really miss and all the new ones I am going to make here...

Tonight I'll dream while in my bed
when silly thoughts go through my head
about the friends that I have met
and when I wake tomorrow I'll bet
that all of us will walk together again
cause I can tell that we're always going to be friends

New picture of Paul and Zach on the "Rody" post. Click the link below to see new photos!
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