I love woman with BIG voices, these woman are usually black women that can really belt it out and sing. I love the emotions they send out when they really get into a song. Some of my favorite singers are Mary J Blige, Patti Labelle, Chaka Khan and Aretha Franklin. I have been wanting to see the movie "Dreamgirls" that came out on Christmas Day. The main reason I have wanted to see this film is because of the former American Idol contestant, Jennifer Hudson. The buzz has been that she cannot only sing but act. I went to go see the movie here in San Fran the day after I go there by myself and I do have to say it is one hell of a movie. Jennifer Hudson can sing, she can act and she can bring an entire audience to their feet. I have never been to a movie where after a particular scene in a movie everyone stood up and gave a thunderous applause. It truly was an experience. I am making an early prediction, Jennifer Hudson will not only be nominated for an Oscar but she will WIN the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress. She truly made me feel so many emotions when watching her on the screen and THAT, in my opinion, is what winning an Oscar is all about. If you have not seen this movie, go see it. Eddie Murphy is fantastic in the film, after a string of bad movies; he redeems himself in this film.

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