This past Sunday I had my first bout being homesick. I have not felt down and out in a long long time, but I was pretty sad on Sunday. It's really hard to break away from that mode of being so comfortable and relaxed and throw yourself into a situation where you lose that comfort and some of your confidence. In a month or so from now, I am sure I will have forgotten these feelings but it's a bit overwhelming right now. The saving grace about being out in San Francisco, of course, is Paul and Zachary. Paul is an amazing person that I am very lucky to have in my life. He's really in tune with my feeling and who I am and he knew that something was bothering me and rather than smother me with questions, he let me have some alone time which was very helpful. Zachary is growing so much and he makes me laugh and smile. Words cannot express how much I appreciate having him in my life. He already has such an amazing sense of humor and he’s very creative with making up games to play. The funny thing, he’s teaching me so much about life and myself, he has been the best teacher I have ever had and he is only three years old!

Paul, Zachary and I went to this really cool farmer's market that is right on our street. We bought Zachary this HUGE honey glazed poppy seed muffin, of course he ate only the muffin top, but don't we all only eat the muffin tops? Paul and Zach have been going to this farmer's market since they came out here in September; it's a new Saturday morning ritual. Zachary loved being there and walked around and danced, to music a man was playing on his guitar, without a care in the world. Remember being a child and not having a care in the world, not caring what others thought, no bills or responsibilities. It's a time in our lives that we never really take advantage of because we have no idea what we are in store for as adults. I love watching that carefree nature in Zachary and the happiness that he projects. He's truly the happiest child I have ever seen. I think it's important for people to take some time and dance around and act like you don't have care in the world. Go out and dance at a farmer's market, people might look at you odd, but hey, you can just smile and say you don’t have a care in the world☺
If you have not already read the book “Tuesdays With Morrie,” I highly recommend it.
Sorry you were feeling a bit blue...Think about all of us left behind in Boston feel. "Don't we all eat the muffin top"..thats the most profound thing I have heard since reading my last fortune cookie.
Sorry you were feeling blue!
"don't we all eat the muffin top" Wow...thats the most profound thing I have reads since le last fortune cookie I cracked open.
Miss ya,
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