Thursday, July 24, 2008

Switch Hitters Ball - Rihanna Performance 2008

Finally, here it is - my performance at the Switch Hitters Ball last month. Oy Vey!!

To read the full story on this video go to the earlier post below, dated June 22nd 2008.


A few things about this little video:

1. This is the first time I have ever done drag.

2. There were a few wardrobe malfunctions, which are pretty funny to see on video.

3. The commentaries from the crowd and MC are hilarious. I can hear Kyser and Jeff G. shouting and saying a few funny things.

4. This was all in fun - I am not going to make a career out of it.

5. I'd do it again in a minute!


Anonymous said...

Now theres a girl who knows how to work the stage!
Looks like you made a couple of bucks too!!!!

Menky said...

Sure did! :-)

Anonymous said...


You really know how tow ork a crowd...I especially loved the dollar bills the boys tucked into you thong!

Mildread Pierce has it all over Rhianna!

Anonymous said...

OMG! Neil, you were great!

Anonymous said...

People need to be callin' u Mildred FIERCE!

Anonymous said...

What a blast - you go girl!! ;))

Hugs and kisses,
Julie L.

Anonymous said...

That was absolutely fantastic! It was such a pleasure watching you perform that night. I hope you do it again.

- MC Mercedez
AKA -Lonnie
Treat Coach! :)

Menky said...

Thanks Lonnie! It was a ton of fun! You were a great host(ess)!