My brother Nathan turns 30 today!! Whoo hoo welcome to my world and welcome to the decade where life begins!
I have not talked to my brother Nathan in about six months but I called him today to wish him a happy birthday. We talked on the phone for a while and it really was so good to talk to him. We lose touch now and then but we always have no problem getting into great conversations and connecting so well over the phone. He is one of he few people that has knwon me most of my life and we ahve been through a lot together.

After talking to him it made me really want to go see my brothers. I have not seen them in almost 2 years and not seeing them just made me lose touch with them and make me feel like they don't care about me and vice versa..but I will always care about them and I know they care about me. I am going to make a point to go see them this December when I go back to Boston. It will be great to catch up on old times and talk about the good time.
I love you Nathan and Noah! See you guys soon:-)