So today the award was being announced for Employee of the Year. Before the award was given they announced 22 people who received more than TWO votes from their peers. I was not on that list but many of my friends were and I was happy for them. Then they announced that there were three people that received many votes under the winner. They announced that these three people were runner-ups to the "Employee of the Year" and that they would be given a prize for being "runner-ups." I was honored to be one of those runner-ups. It's always so embarrassing when your in a room with all of your co-workers (140 people) and they call your name - there's always a rush that comes to my face and I can feel by face burning and get flush. It was a great feeling to get recognized by your co-workers, it truly was an honor to be runner-up t the winner. The winner was my partner in crime, Ryan. He deserved it but it was great that we were both awarded for a great year! :-)
This was my first full year at my agency and I am flattered and proud that I was runner-up - next year Ryan, the award is mine!! :-P
Well, consider it practice for when you win your Oscar !
Always a bridesmaid, never a bride!
Wow, you so deserve it!
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