The Diva invasion is about to hit the music world. I am a huge fan of music, all kinds of music from the 60’s, 70s, 80,s 90s and current popular music. I have always played favorites to the female singers with big voices, great dance moves or catchy pop songs. The end of this year is going to bring a slew of new albums from some of the biggest music divas. I am selecting the top ten that I am most anticiapating. I though it might be fun to try and predict how each CD will do and then compare the results once all is said and done.
#1 Madonna. Album Title: TBD Date: November 2007
Above: Madonna rocking it out on her last tour.
Madonna’s last hit album, Confessions on a Dance Floor sold 8 million copies worldwide, went number one in 10 countries and her Confessions was named highest grossing tour from a female artist ever! Pretty darn impressive considering Madonna has been around for 25 years! She’s working on a new album with Justin Timberlake and Timbaland and it will be her 11th studio album. (Madonna also has released six other CDs in here career such as greatest hits and dance remixes). It’s rumored to be pretty hot and filled with more of an R&B vibe similar to her 1994 smash Bedtime Stories. All hail the Queen of Pop! I predict it will debut on the album charts at #1 in teh US and at least number one in nine other countries. Also I predict it will sell 10 million albums worldwide, 2 million of that being in the US. Hopefully it will spawn her 13th number one hit.
#2 Mariah Carey. Album Title: TBD (I am sure it will be something about butterflies or rainbows). Date: November 2007
Above: Oh so much could be said about this picture. Who stands like that???
This will be Mariah’s 9h studio album but it’s rumored it might be a double-disc release. Eh what can I say, she is one of my least favorite celebrities and she needs to put some clothes on! Mariah had a huge comeback last year with The Emancipation of Mimi…can she do it again? Mariah has been around now for 17 years, one would never think that because she really is not an important force in the music industry and no one really takes her seriously. Surprisingly, she has more number one singles than any other female artist, with 17 number one hits but I am sure most of us couldn’t name more than five. I don’t think her new album will fair as well as the last one did, her last album did sell 6 million copies worldwide and 5 million of those albums were sold in the US. She is not liked so much in other countries. I predict she will sell 4 million copies worldwide ( 3 million being in US) and spawn one number one hit and album in the US.
#3 Celine Dion. Album Title: Taking Chances Date: November 9th 2007

Above: Celine's new album cover she looks like a mash up of Beyonce and Mariah Carey.
Come on admit it she is a guilty pleasure of yours, yes she is annoying to watch perform but OH can she sing! She has one of the best female voices ever recorded and dominated the 1990s with monster hits such as: “My Heart Will Go On” and “Because You Loved Me.” Celine has been in Vegas for the past 3 years and has not had a studio album released since 2002. Will Celine deliver the goods and be able to win back her 90s fan base? This is a tough one, I do think her album sales will be high worldwide, I will estimate 10 million worldwide ( 2 million in the US) but I am not sure she has the loyal fan support to earn a number one single but I am confident the album will reach number one in the US.
#4 Whitney Houston. Album Title: TBD Date: November 20th 2007
Above: Whitney Houston's new photo on her website, lookin' pretty damn good!
Could she be the comeback story of the year? I have always loved Whitney Houston and I believe she has the best female voice ever. I am praying to God she has a huge comeback with her forthcoming album. She left her loser husband Bobby Brown and reportedly has cleaned up her act. We have not seen much of Ms. Houston in the media and it’s rumored that she has been taking care of her voice and working hard on the new album. There have been clips on YouTube recently of Houston singing at private parties and other events and all I have to say is her voice is back! I am predicting this will be a huge comeback for Ms Houston and she will not only have a number one album but also a number one single. Prediction: Album sales 6 million worldwide (2 million in US).
#5. Mary J. Blige. Album Title: TBD Date: November-December 2007
Above: Mary can do no wrong.
Last year Mary cleaned house at the Grammy Awards with her massive hit “Be With You” and the album “The Breakthrough.” I have loved Mary since she first hit the scene in 1992 and I always believed in her. She had such raw emotion in her songs and she came from nothing. I relate to Mary and the hard times she has gone through and I have grown with her past albums. Her “No More Drama” album and single spawned a slew of new fans and became an anthem to everyone to get out of their own shit! Mary will go number one with her new album but she is not strong on earning number ones on the charts. Prediction: She will go on to sell at least 6 million albums worldwide (3 million in US). The Queen of R&B soul is just getting started.
#6 Annie Lennox Album Title: Songs of Mass Destruction Date: October - November 2007
Above: I love her new album cover, she is fierce!
Annie is probably one of the most respected female artists in the music business. She has been around for almost 30 years with her roots stemming from the duo the Eurythmics. She was around long before Madonna and was pushing the buttons with sexuality with her short red hair and her androgynous look. Her new album is said to be quite impressive with several guest appearances including Madonna and Celine Dion. Annie has never really done well on the charts but her album will crack the top 10 in the US but it’s doubtful it will spawn a number one hit. I am sure the album will be kick ass though. Prediction: 3 million worldwide (1 million in US).
#7 Alicia Keys. Album Title: As I Am Date: November 13, 2007
Above: Beauty and talent makes a nice combo for one of my favorite artists, Alicia Keys.
Hands down the most talented young female artist to come out of the past ten years. She puts Britney Spears, Jessica Simpson and Avril Lavigne to shame! Alicia is true talent with her sexy soulful voice, her song writing skills and her impressive piano playing. Alicia can do it all. She is the future of music and I predict she will not only go number one with her upcoming album but she will spawn 2-3 number ones from it as well. This is the real deal. Prediction: 6 million albums worldwide (4 million US).
#8 Jennifer Hudson. Album Title: TBD Date: November 20, 2007
Above: Oscar winner, Jennifer Hudson.
Although she has not had a debut album released yet we all know she can sing AND she has an Oscar! This is probably one of the most anticipated albums to be coming out in the next four months. Her voice is so big that Whitney Houston bowed down to her earlier this year. Jennifer’s Oscar for the hit musical “Dreamgirls” earns her the right to be a diva for life, but can she recapture that magic on the music charts? I don’t think she’ll have a number one album or a number one single but I think she will do pretty well selling a few million copies of her debut CD.
#9 Britney Spears. Album Title: TBD Date: November 13, 2007
Above: I think the above picture should be Britney's new album cover.
Oops, she did it again. She shocked us that she actually has a studio album baked and ready to release soon. I am scared about this one! Britney has been a mess in the tabloids lately and she looks like she is headed on the same path as Anna Nicole but her first single off the upcoming album called “Gimmie More” is quite good! Britney and Alicia Keys are releasing their albums on the same day. I predict Alicia will win but not by much, it will be a close race. Britney will most likely not have any number one singles but her CD will sell at least 5 million worldwide (2 million in the US).
#10 Carrie Underwood. Album Title: Carnival Ride
Date: October 23, 2007
Above: Playing it safe with an innocent album cover, the innocence will make her new album a huge seller.
Carrie had the biggest selling female CD last year in the US selling 6 million+ and the CD “Some Hearts” is STILL going strong on the album charts. Carrie Underwood was the winner of American Idol in season four and is quickly becoming the most successful idol winner. Her rival is Kelly Clarkson for being the most successful American Idol winner of all time. Carrie’s crossover country hits remind me of Shania Twain in the 1990s. Carrie’s CD will go number one and stay number one for quite some time. I think and she will most likely have a number one hit, the first single off of her upcoming disc is already in the top 10 on the billboard chats in it’s second week in release. Not bad! Prediction: 12 million worldwide (8 million in the US).
So I am going to rank the albums in the order of how succesful they will be in the US only, this order does not reflect which albums I am most anticipating.
1. Carrie Underwood (8 million)US
2. Alicia Keys (4 million)US
3. Mary J Blige (3 million)US
4. Mariah Carey (3 million)US
5. Madonna (2 million)US
6. Britney Spears (2 million)US
7. Whitney Houston (2 million)US
8. Celine Dion (2 million)US
9. Jennifer Hudson (2 million)US
10. Annie Lennox (1 million)US