I flew out to San Fran on Tuesday, November 28th with my new Banana Republic suit, an early Christmas present from Paul☺ I love it! I arrived in Oakland and I had to take the BART train to San Francisco. While I was on the train, I was looking out the window and taking in the new city I was going to live in. As I was looking out the window a HUGE rainbow started to appear and I took this as a huge welcome sign as I entered the city of San Francisco. It was the most vivid and brilliant rainbow I have ever seen. People looked in awe out of the train and I just smiled. I have always believed I have had “someone” watching over me and guiding me through this crazy life I have lived so far. In my eyes, that was a sign from above telling me I was making the right decision.

The day of my interview, I had to drive, and I have never driven in California before but I figured if I could drive in Boston, I could drive anywhere. The drive couldn’t have been easier and as I started to go across the Golden Gate Bridge, I could not take my eyes off of the amazing view I was seeing. I found it hard to concentrate on driving. It was unlike anything I have ever seen. As I made my way into the city, the view overwhelmed me and I started to cry. I had made it here. I made it to this point in my life that I never thought I would reach, a healthy and happy relationship, a son, a group of wonderful friends and possibly a dream job.
Arriving at the agency, I was even more in shock that it was right on the ocean overlooking the skyline of San Francisco. I started to pinch myself and slapped myself in the face because I really thought I was dreaming. The interview lasted all day and 9 people interviewed me. I felt confident leaving the agency and was so excited to see if I was going to be chosen for the job, I was told there was some stiff competition for this job. I still felt the same feeling in my gut but even stronger now, I was going o be working here, I could feel it and I smiled as I drove off.
On Friday, December 1st I was hoping to hear from the agency. As this was the only job that I had perused in the San Francisco area and I was not even looking at other possibilities, I did have an ounce of doubt but I remained confident. I got a call late Friday afternoon. It was Mary, my future boss, telling me that there was a lot of people vying for this job and she said their agency would love me to be part of their agency. I screamed!! I GOT THE JOB! I cannot explain the feeling that came over me when I was given the job. It was a sense of accomplishment but also confirmation that I was doing the right thing.

I start my new job on January 3rd, flying out on New Years Day. This is just the beginning of another great year. Since 2000, I have set out to set goals and accomplish something each year towards those goals. Here’s to a great start for 2007!
you'll be very missed in Boston!
Very touching. I'm really really happy for you Neil. Couldn't have happened to a nicer person. Wishing you nothing but the best.
Good Luck in San Fran! You'll be missed here, but maybe I can come and visit you sometime!
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