Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Ancient Greece

Above: Me in front of the Parthenon.

Paul and I are still in Greece, I wanted to post some photos on here. We have ben in Greece for almost a week now and it's truly an amazing place. Just walking around the city and and exploring the ancient city and realizing all the history that this great city holds.

Above: An amazing view of the Acropolis from the city of Athens.

Above: At the Acropolis, this is the Stoa of Eumenes.

Above: The entrance to the Acropolis, Propylaea.

Above: Another shot of the full entrance to the Acropolis, Propylaea

Paul and I went to the Acropolis and viewed the ancient ruins and just marveled at the amazing artistry that went into these fine pieces of architecture. it's funny to compare what the Greeks were doing hundreds of years before Christ and what the Indians were doing around that time as comparison and even as years went on the Indians still had the primitve teepee and totum poles and here the Greeks and Romans were producing these outstanding pieces of work and several are still standing tall today.

Above: The amazing Parthenon.

Above: Side-view of the Parthenon.

Above: Paul at the Parthenon.

Above: Paul admiring the Parthenon.

It's really been a trip of a lifetime and has opened my eyes even more to different cultures and ways of life. Enjoy a fraction of the photos we took - there are more on my facebook page if you are a friend of mine, you can view them. I will be posting more photos on the blog shortly.

Above: My favorite - The Old Temple of Athena on the right and the left part is the Erechtheum.

Above: These beautiful pillars decorate the porch of the Old Temple of Athena.

Above: The amazing Odeon of Herodes Atticus.

Above: Entrance to the Temple of Zeus, Hardin's Gate.

Above: A view from the Acropolis looking down at the Temple of Zeus.

Above: Temple of Zeus with the fortress Acropolis in back of it.

Above: Look at how grand the Temple of Zeus is! I look so tiny next to it.

Above: A fallen pillar at the Temple of Zeus.

Above: A view of the city of Athens from the Acropolis.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

98th Bay to Breakers San Francisco 2009

Turner & Paul celebrating finishing the race!

Paul ran in his first Bay to Breakers today with temps already in the 80s by the time the race started at 8am - heatwave in SF right now! Zach and I went to watch our first Bay to Breakers - we missed seeing Paul run in the race by seconds but Zach and I still had a blast watching the wild people run the race in costumes, masks and naked! Only in San Francisco! Check out some of the pictures from the event.

Above: Zach at Bay to Breakers.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Athens, Greece

Well, it looks like Paul and I are off to Greece in two weeks!!! I am so excited. I have never been out of North America so going to Greece in a few weeks is going to be an amazing adventure that I am going to never forget! I really never thought I'd make it to Europe before the of 50, glad I am doing it while I am in my 30s. Growing up I loved geography, still do, and I did a report on Greece once and ever since then it was the place I wanted to go to the most all my life. My mother was the same way - she always told me she wanted to go there more than anywhere else and that if I ever went to send her something from Greece. I may just send her something with no explanation to see if she remembers our talks many many years ago about Greece and that report I did ( with her) that we had so much fun doing together.

It's going to be such an amazing adventure and I know I will be overwhelmed with the whole trip. I will be taking pictures and video from the trip non-stop so I will be posting many updates from the trip here. So stay tuned.

I really would love to go to Europe with Zach someday when he is a little older - I'd love to see him explore the countries and really get into it. Someday!:-)