My New Year's resolution this year is not going to be to get in awesome shape, eat better, drink less or to floss more. I never seem to keep those New Year's resolutions, maybe because I don't take them too seriously. This year I am going to take my New Year's resolution pretty seriously because I feel like I have something not only to prove to myself, but also to share with many people. I am writing my life story and my goal is to have it completed this year and have it in a place to shop around to publishers by the end of 2009. I realized that I have an interesting story to tell, actually it's quite amazing. I recently have told some people a small portion of my story and people seem genuinely inspired by it... I am inspired by it. When I talk about some of the things I have been through, where I have come from and where I am, I can hardly believe it's me - my life.
So, I am taking a break from doing a lot of things to focus on what will be literally another chapter in my life. As I am writing my book this year, I am going to post about how it's going with the writing process and talk about some portions of what I am writing about. You won’t get the full story - just bits and pieces to keep you interested and guessing until the book comes out:-)
I have already started writing my book and the picture that introduces this post above is of a bus station in Springfield, Massachusetts that I ended up at in November 2000 at the age of 26 years old. When Paul and I drove by that bus stop recently while I was in Western Massachusetts, I felt a lump in my throat and felt my eyes start to water as I took that picture. That bus stop was a huge turning point in my life. I was at that bus stop on a cold November night with nothing but a wad of money in my pocket and the clothes on my back. I hopped aboard a bus, headed to Boston and never looked back. That bus ride would change my life in so many ways, but it would be a long journey for me once I arrived in Boston. A journey that would be the most challenging thing I would ever have to go through...
You do have a great story to tell and one that will be inspiring to many people. Take your time and don't rush it. Reliving your life through writing may bring up some bad things you don't even realize now that you have forgotten, but in the end it's a great catharsis.
Thanks Patrick! Greta advice. Home to see you this summer. xo Neil
I wish you the very best of luck, Neil - and if your story is written right, it will bring hope, tears, joy and, most of all, Inspiration to many people! Because your drive to find Happiness defied obstacles that must have seemed overwhelming at the time. I feel privileged to know you well enough to be able to state this, and you deserve every ounce of happiness and success that may come and do come your way, Neil! You have endured hell, and succeeded against all odds -I feel so proud and happy for you - that you have been able to make that complete turnaround. Joan's inspiration must have helped you, I'm sure! Please don't feel hesitant to seek help from any person who has some experience in writing. Not that I don't believe in your writing skills, but having another person who can see your story from the outside can make a world of difference - and enhance and empower the wondrous and horrible story of your life. Happy endings DO exist, and I wish you all the best for The New Year AND for your forthcoming bestseller, which is bound to bring hope to many who suffer!
The Best of My Love,
Julie L.
Thanks Julie. I appreciate your comments. I will be sharing my story with others and getting feedback before I prepare anything final to publishers. Thanks for your kind words. Hope 2009 is a great year for you!
Thanks for sharing your New Years Resolution. I am working on my own goals for 2009. It is always exciting to have a year of possibilites in front of you. Best of luck on your writing. It is a great feeling to a book published.
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